
What's in my Diaper Bag

9:13 PM

We were using the SG50 diaper bag at first, but my husband found it too small to contain all our essential items. He's now using this roomy black Technogym bag which I received for free when I joined the gym last time.  

These are the items that we have in our diaper bag. The blue bag is for me to carry out when I bring baby out alone, which is hopefully soon... Two more weeks till the end of confinement! 

1. Nursing cover 
For nursing in public when there isn't a nursing room available. I nursed Baby E in public when she was 4 days old. She seemed stuffy under the cover so I unbuttoned two buttons to let her breathe better.

Some mothers nurse openly in public without a cover, though!

2. Diaper changing mat 
It's more hygienic to bring along a changing mat because changing tables have been used by thousands of babies and not all parents have the same standards of hygiene.

3. Disposable diapers (+ wet wipes)
About 5 or 6 is a good number to have, along with a packet of wet wipes.

4. Washcloth
To wipe baby up in case she throws up.

5. Muslin swaddle
The ones from Aden and Anais are multi purpose, soft and breathable. I use it as a swaddle and blanket.

6. Set of spare clothes, mittens and booties
Poop and vomit does get onto baby's clothes. Baby E had a massive poop explosion a few days ago which got onto her clothes, carrier as well as on my dress and hands.
If there's space for a spare set of mommy's clothes, pack it in as well.

7. Wet bag
For storing the above-mentioned poop/vomit stained clothes.

8. Bib
The bib is a bit too big for her but I use it anyway because milk dribbles out of her mouth when she drinks.

9. Ring sling / Baby Carrier
I realise she sleeps very deeply when I baby wear her outside.
My ringsling is from The Birth Shop and my carrier is from Pognae. I have a Lennylamb that I'm waiting for her to grow into.

Elise direct latches now so I don't pack items 10 and 11 yet.

10. Cooler bag with bottles
To store expressed breast milk.

11. Breast pump
In case baby doesn't want to drink but my boobs are engorged. 

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