
Hungry Hippo / Lactation cookies

6:54 AM

She has the strength of a hippo and makes all sorts of funny noises. Sometimes she sounds like a mouse or a kitten but when she's angry or annoyed, she sounds like a dog. She actually goes "GRR!" while flailing her arms around. 

Hungry hippo over here loves bath time and will quietly sit in the tub the entire time but it's a miracle if she doesn't cry when we change her clothes. She pushes us away with her two tiny arms and sometimes two people are needed to control her. A tiny baby who hasn't even turned a month old. Someone at the focus group thought she was 6 or 7 weeks old. I don't think she's that huge for a girl...

I've either created a hulk, or my body must be making some really potent breast milk.

So far, I've not yet needed to supplement her with infant formula. I do have a tiny 400g can of Friso just in case of emergency. It was the most affordable brand around. 

Direct breastfeeding is convenient (saves time on bottles and temperature checking). I love shortcuts and time savers but I read an article yesterday which was very interesting.

Like over here, it says that breast milk is more than food. Breast milk is individually formulated by the body for each infant and signals are sent to the mother's body via the baby's saliva so it also works as medicine. I wonder how it works for twins or multiples...
It's also the reason I frown upon donated breast milk. It's dangerous because the donor might have some disease that even she may be unaware of. I'd rather feed infant formula than someone else's breast milk.

Speaking of breast milk, I went to a focus group last Saturday and received some lactation cookies in the door gift. I've always felt that these cookies were a waste of money, so I was rather excited to try it and see if there were any effects. 

The packaging is really cute with rabbit ears! It's from Singapore Lactation Bakes and the pricing looks affordable. 
This is how the cookies look like:
It's more on the crumbly side and reminds me of a Chinese New Year tapioca cookie, but there are raisins and hints of chocolate inside which makes it so palatable, I finished the entire bag. 
The next morning, I broke my personal record. She had more than enough to drink, so I froze some and poured the rest into her daily milk bath. Actually, I'm pretty relaxed when it comes to supply and don't compare with other moms. I'm happy as long as my baby has enough to drink plus a bit more as backup milk in case I'm not around in the house or need to rest. That's all I need. 
The hungry hippo with her daddy. 

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