
Review: Josh & Cherie - Children Book Subscription (+ Giveaway & Discount Code!)

9:47 AM

In today's increasingly digital world, it's a common sight to see people glued onto their smartphones. I don't want to go down the slippery slope of introducing gadgets to Elise too early, so I've stocked up on a decent number of books, mostly pre-loved. I believe that children should enjoy reading from a young age as it helps with their comprehension and language ability. 

However, the problem with buying preloved is that it's a hit-or-miss. I've bought bundles where some books came with missing flaps, creased pages and yellowed edges.

Also, there is something magical about brand new books. The crispness, the knowledge that you're the first one to read it and there won't be weird stains of unknown origin on the next page (coffee? drool?!). 

Today, Elise received a pizza box.  

Pizza for you?

It opened up to reveal a handwritten message and 3 presents tied up with string.

Hello mama, what's inside?

Let me open it up for you~

What was in the box (0 to 2 years old):

3 brand new, beautiful board books! 
This book has LARGE printed sentences so it's easy for parents to read (YES!) and for children to understand.  
There are various illustrated scenarios (one question per scenario) which you can flip up to see the appropriate response e.g.
Mommy says "Do you want peas for breakfast?" 
What do you say? *flip* "No, thank you!"

It's never too early to instill good manners in children!

This book teaches children that friends come in all shapes and sizes and they all get along. Idealistic in the adult world, but it is a children's book after all! It reminds me of a Dr Seuss book with colourful illustrations, rhymes and contrasting font sizes for emphasis.
It's an enjoyable book to dramatise and act out for toddlers. 
Elise chose to dance along to the Wheels on the Bus while exploring her book
Saving the best for the last, this book was definitely Elise's favourite. I have a few sound books which read stories out loud, but this one plays the tune of the Wheels on the Bus! Each page shows a different verse for you to sing along to. 

Elise could NOT STOP pressing the big red button! She clapped and bobbed along to the tune while flipping the pages. She was so thrilled. 
Press press press
Pretending to read...
Let's just dance!

Josh & Cherie Books:

Started by a pair of local newlyweds Cheryl and Julius (Josh and Cherie are actually names for their future children!)Josh & Cherie Books is a premium children book subscription for children from 0 to 7 years of age. Every month, depending on the child's age, 2 to 3 books are carefully hand picked, gift wrapped and couriered.

Josh and Cherie Books
The idea came to life during a trip to a bookstore on a search for a child's gift, where they noticed that there were more assessment books than picture books! As the both of them were exposed to good books since young and grew up with the habit of reading, they wanted children to experience the magic that books provide. 

They hope to make reading exciting for children, convenient for parents and affordable for everyone with this service.

What I find unique:

1) The books are gift wrapped so children will be excited about their "presents" and want to read them. When I was a child, I received a present of a huge carton containing pre-loved Enid Blyton books from my cousin which sparked my childhood reading habit. Books are an investment. 

2) The subscription price is cheaper than buying from the bookstores. The titles are also not readily found in local bookstores so it is unlikely that there will be duplicates. However, if you happen to already own the same book, take a photo of you giving it to a friend for a $7 deduction off your next renewal! 

I find the pricing is reasonable for the effort it takes to search for interactive, age-appropriate books and its packaging. 

4) Suitable as a birthday gift because it's prettily packaged and educational.

5) Mandarin books are available for subscription, which is great for parents who want to introduce Mandarin to their little ones early. 

If you would like to try it out for yourself, take part in our giveaway or use the discount codes for a discounted pricing on your subscription. The book titles will be different from that which I've received as you will be receiving next month's box. 

Special Discount Codes (Valid till 31 Oct 2016):  
$12 off a 6-months subscription with JAMIE12OFF
$30 off a 12-months subscription with JAMIE30OFF 

This code is also valid for existing subscribers! Just drop them an email beforehand as they need to confirm your subscription. 


Josh & Cherie have very kindly sponsored a box of books to one lucky reader!
To enter the giveaway, simply follow the steps:

1. Like Josh & Cherie's FB page
2. Like Days with Baby E's FB page
3. Share this blog entry on your wall (set to public)

For bonus chances, tag 5 friends after sharing the post (set to public). Leaving a comment on this post also gives you an additional chance! :) Good luck!

** I received a box of books for review purposes. No monetary compensation was received. 

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  1. I like the idea of the wrapped up in box present kind of way to intro the books to my kids. im sure they will love reading as much as unwrapping!

  2. I loved surprises and sometimes i dont know wat books to get for my kids
    Jaime chan

  3. I'm like a kid cos I like to receive gifts. Same for my girls, they like to receive gifts. The books wrapped up in a box is like a surprise! It's a surprise, it's something they would like. Liked, shared and tagged.

  4. Love the books that are simply cater to my kids age. And being delivered as a nice box simply great as a gifts for my friends. Even can be cater as my kids as their presents too which they be engulfed with excitement to be able to open these lovely box to find their favourite books in it. Fb liked and shared. Fb: Tan Bee Chin Joyce

  5. My kids love reading and they would be delighted to upwrap the gift box.

  6. Would love to own some of these books as is awesome selection and interesting will keep my baby boy busy for a while..

  7. A kind of present surprise to my two children (5 & 6 yo) in term of books !
    Books can read and read again.

    FB: Siaw Hoon New

  8. My 15months old boy is very curious to find out more. Its a good start for him to read to expore more. Hope to win it for him. Thank you for the awesome giveaway.

  9. Would love to win more books for my children 2 & 4 as they love bedtime stories by Mommy and daddy. Wish to cultivate their love for reading and the books can be shared around with friends :)

  10. I have a toddler at home who gets absorbed into his own reading quite often. He gets excited when we go to the libary and even when I go to the library alone, he waits for me eagerly at our door expecting his book haul :-) So a packet full of specially selected and curated books for my boy would be an awesome gift. And I also have a young baby at home who would love to be read to so books books and more books for us please :-)

  11. My little angels loves the world of stories, catchy & vibrant colors. Her older sister is a book worm & hope to continue the tradition with my younger one. I wish to be bless to have some interesting books to enjoy during our upcoming trip. Txs

  12. Having unwrapped a present for each month will always be a surprise for the little one! Furthermore it's educational so it will be very useful for her and start the reading habit from young :)

  13. Enjoy getting books for baby and reading to him but it has been a headache to find good books at the right cost. Really love Josh & Cherie's concept! Thanks for sharing! Would love to get this gift for baby. Hope we are the fortunate ONE ��
