baby shower gift

Review: Rasa Sayang: Sing and Record Fun Book by Baba baa (+Giveaway!)

9:36 PM
What could possibly be in this box? A lamb can't fit in it. 

Better than pizza
Delicately packaged in blue crepe paper was a sound book. I have many sound books for Elise which my dad uses to read stories to her but there's something special about this particular book. 

The Rasa Sayang: Sing and Record Fun Book is a fun collection of seven Malay folksongs including very familiar tunes like Chan Mali Chan (hey hey!), Rasa Sayang and Bengawan Solo. These familiar folk songs have been sung many times, but I have no idea what the songs mean and I can only sing the chorus and hum the rest of the tune. I also have to admit that I haven't heard the other songs before I received this book. Elise won't be the only one learning from this book for sure.  

7 push buttons with icons that correspond to the folk songs. The construction of the book is solid and it also includes an interesting feature - 

a record and playback function! If your little ones are old enough to sing, this feature allows their voices to be recorded in the book. If they aren't, you can show off your singing skills by recording your voice while singing. 

Control panel with 3 modes - music, record and playback. There are also volume control buttons and an inbuilt microphone.

Elise can't yet fully enjoy the features of this book but as she is Singaporean, I feel that it is necessary for her to learn about the many cultures that make up our country and that of our neighbouring countries, Malaysia and Indonesia. 

What I like about the book is that it is very well constructed and it is one-of-a-kind. It is the first book of its kind for children to be produced in the region and the songs are a unifying factor for all 3 countries. As such, the production of the book also involved talents from these 3 countries. Lee Jiun is Malaysian, the production company is from Singapore and the voice behind the songs belongs to an Indonesian lady. 

About the Rasa Sayang: Sing and Record Fun Book
Produced by Peyron Singapore | Translated by Lok Lee Jiun & Serene Ding | Illustrations by Aditya Pratama | Songs performed by Kezia Evana Jaya

It all started when Ms. Lok Lee Jiun, a lawyer and a mom to a little boy named Hugo, realised that while there was plenty of songbooks in English, Japanese and Chinese, there was a lack of material in Bahasa. Instead of letting it slide, she set off creating her own book. 

Plenty of hard work went into the making of this book, from start to end. She translated the songs into English which is useful for non-Malays to gain a deeper understanding behind these popular folk songs and sing the English version. 

She engaged illustrator Aditya Pratama to add his vivid artwork to attract the young readers. Kezia's voice brings the songs to life and makes the whole book a pleasant multi-sensory experience.

The baba baa mascot looks like a monster but is actually a baby goat called "baba", designed by Italian designer Tobias Bernard. It is mischievous, curious, smart and funny. As a treat, baba is hidden in every page of the book for observant young ones to spot, much like how our PETS coursebook used to have cute characters hiding everywhere. 

Rasa Sayang translates to Feel the love in English. Indeed, a lot of love and effort has been put into the creation of this unique book. The website itself is entertaining and there are free colouring & drawing activity sheets which you can print out for your young ones. 

The Rasa Sayang: Sing and Record Fun Book is available for sale at S$27 while the gift set with a plush toy retails for S$33 (+S$10 shipping fee for those living in Singapore and Hong Kong).

GIVEAWAY:The baba baa team is giving away a brand new Rasa Sayang: Sing and Record Fun Book to 1 lucky reader!

This giveaway is open until 11:59pm, 13 November 2016 and is only open to readers residing in Singapore, Malaysia & Hong Kong. 


To join the giveaway, here's what you have to do:
1. Like baba baa on Facebook
2. Like Bibimbubs on Facebook
3. Share the post on your wall (set to public) and tag at least 3 friends. While sharing the post, state a song you like from the book and why you would like to win it.

** I received a book for the purpose of this review. No monetary compensation was received. 

Hug your Loved Ones today

12:59 AM
It's a Friday but I came across two pieces of heartbreaking news online today. A mother with one-month old twins just received news of her ALS diagnosis and she fears that she may not live to see her babies turn 1 year old so she's expressing as much milk as possible to store for them before she leaves this world. Her arm muscles have weakened so much, she can no longer carry her infants.

Another mother of a 2 year old boy was recently diagnosed with a terminal illness and has to wean so she can receive treatment and asked for advice on how to end the nursing relationship without tears.

Most mothers expect to be there for their child until they become independent. To have doctors put an expiry date on you jolts you and forces you to adjust your expectations. When that happens, the value of each day increases exponentially. You start to think of the future of your child without your existence. 

I won't be able to celebrate their first birthday together.

What if my baby wakes up at night looking for Mama, but I can't be there to comfort her...?

Will she be alright on her first day of school?

What if she gets bullied?

Who will calm her when she gets her first period?

My mother left the world when I was 11. She was stern but warm. Her specialty dishes were cabbage rice and Teochew steamed pomfret. She also made us double-boiled black chicken soup. We would attend church every Sunday. We bickered; she labelled me as "rebellious". In the first few years without her presence, my dad and I had it rather rough. The floor was often so dusty our feet turned black from walking around. We never cleared our kitchen pantry or cooked. There was one night where my father was ill and I boiled some rice grains in water to make porridge only to find that there were worm husks. It was miserable. 

People I met assumed I had a mother until I corrected them and they went "Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know!" and I'd just wave them off - it was such a long time ago. If you ask me what the difference is living without a mother, I can't really answer because we just lived like that. We adjusted to living without her and there were many days where she was conveniently forgotten about. I can only make assumptions of what would have happened if my mother were still around based on my memories of her. I would likely have attended a girls' school then JC and a local university. Curfew? Very likely. If she could meet Elise now, would she be proud? Her framed photo is still on a desk and my father still keeps her photograph in his wallet.

I've only had one dream of her. In the dream, it was dark all around except for a spotlight. She was dressed in a white dress and she gave me a tight embrace. No words were exchanged. Then she disappeared. I woke up in tears. I've not dreamed of her since. I take that dream to mean that she's in peace. She was a staunch Christian, so I guess it's safe to say she went to Heaven?

We often say that the years are short, but the days are long. It's easy to get lost in the routine of each day, feel stressed and snap at our loved ones. I'm guilty of this - taking people for granted. 

All of us have expiry dates but none of us know when our last day on Earth will be - it could be 50 years later after all our peers have passed on, 10 years, two years or one. Some people wake up expecting a normal day but never make it home. 

It sounds gloomy and depressing and it's not something we actively think about. I've had a near death experience where I almost drowned in Boracay whilst diving but it was before I had Elise. I thought I was definitely going to die when water flooded my regulator and my Octopus was missing (lesson well learnt). I swam over and grabbed my friend's regulator and we made an emergency ascent from 18 metres deep.

There are so many trivial things we rant about daily - our spouses, our tantrum-throwing kids, annoying in-laws (not me!), work, that person in the lift who pressed the "Door Close" button when he saw you approaching, train breakdowns. 

One day, none of these will matter. 

Hug your loved ones close and find meaning in each day, however difficult because one day, our bodies will disintegrate and the only thing left will be memories of us. 

baby shower gift

Review: Peek-a-book Boutique Gift Store (+ Discount Code!)

1:05 PM
On Elise's actual birthday, I couldn't spend the day with her because I was working so we went for a simple dinner. The evening was made sweeter because we received a big brown box tied with a beautiful bow from peek-a-book. Her first present!
I unraveled the ribbon, opened the box and out popped a soft, cuddly, floppy-eared bunny! I couldn't stop stroking it. :D It had Elise's name embroidered in bright pink thread on its ear too. 

Apart from the bunny, there was a personalised drawstring pouch containing 3 sets of flashcards (A to Z, Colours, Numbers) and two board books, perfect for her age. The two books were Animals, a baby touch and feel book showing animals and their textures - furry, scaly and slimy (there was a picture of a snail on the last page so I quickly shut the book. Elise loves it though) and The Going to Bed book which I will be sure to read to her when she has problems sleeping. 

I appreciate how the box was thoughtfully packed - it contained mostly educational tools which parents appreciate and a plush bunny for play. 
Bunny, Flashcards, Board books. A+ for packaging! It's simple and classy.

The flashcards are made of cardboard and single-sided, featuring colourful illustrations of animals. I feel rather guilty that I haven't been teaching her anything, so this will definitely come in handy. #LearnYourABCsElise 

I'm going to pack the flashcard pouch into my diaper bag so it can entertain her during long train rides. Otherwise, she'll be busy waving to passengers and trying to disturb them. Perhaps she's training to be Miss Singapore. 

"What comes after 2? 1?"
She looked through the flashcards but promptly abandoned them for the board books, especially the Animal one. She spent about 10 minutes engrossed in the book, which is an eternity in baby time. 
Bunny: "Let's play, Elise!"
Elise was so focused on the book, bunny didn't stand a chance.  
Bunny: "Can we play nowwww? Huh?"
Bunny: "Look at MEEEE!" 

She unceremoniously tossed bunny to the back until she finished reading her book. The good news is that bunny is my new buddy and has claimed its spot on our bed. 

About peek-a-book

peek-a-book is an online boutique gift store that specializes in gift boxes for mums and children. The idea came about when Daisy, a Singaporean mum delivered her first child and received very similar gifts from family and friends. She felt 
that people did not have many options to choose from when purchasing gifts for new mums and began making her own gift boxes for friends.  

The first box she put together was a New Baby Box which included a bunny, books, milestone cards and a picture frame.

The idea is for everything in the box to be the baby's first - the bunny as baby's first best friend, the books can be the first set of books to start their library, milestone cards to capture their first milestones and the picture frame can hold the first ever picture of them.

Other than personalising the bunny and flashcard pouch, they also offer customised, one-of-a-kind boxes. Just contact them for a discussion. Their products are also available for separate sale, like the bunny, flash cards and baby tooth box, which can be engraved as well.

How did the name peek-a-book come about? 

peek-a-book sounds like "peek-a-boo!" so Daisy and her team wanted to capture the playfulness and surprise babies get when they open the box. As each box will always include a story book, they named it peek-a-book!

Is it worth it? 

If there's one thing I can't do that well, it would be gift-buying. It's not easy to get a gift that will be used by the recipient and I prefer buying practical presents or something not readily found in stores. We attended a lot of first birthday parties in October but I took the easy way out and just gave red packets to the babies. Personalised gifts are great because they can't just be bought from anywhere and it's more heartfelt as compared to a store bought gift. 

peek-a-book also takes the stress out of hunting for a last-minute present at Kiddy Palace or mothercare (we all know that feeling) and makes your gift extra special.


Discount Code
Peek-a-book has graciously extended a 15% off discount code!
Just quote BabyElise when placing your order to redeem the discount. 
Valid until 31st December 2016

** Peek-a-book gifted us a personalized box for the purpose of this review. No monetary compensation was received. 

My Experience with NUH Gynae (Subsidised C-class ward)

4:53 PM
I did an operation at NUH many years ago and was warded at the maternity ward. There, I received dedicated care and made a decision to deliver my baby there. It's fully equipped and has its own Children's A&E. The only other hospital which has a Children's A&E is KKH. 

Why NUH?
I first found out I was pregnant through a blood test so I was referred to Clinic G and I just followed through the appointments instead of going the standard route of looking for a gynae first. It never bothered me much that I didn't have a fixed gynaecologist as my scans turned out well and I didn't have any complications (no gestational diabetes or placenta previa etc). My pregnancy was smooth so it didn't particularly require special attention.

Near the end, we thought she was on the smaller side at 19th percentile and I got a bit worried but when she came out, she weighed a hefty 3.2kg! 

If you want to follow the subsidised route, you'll have to get a referral letter from a clinic to the hospital. At Clinic G, the waiting time was about 1.5 hours but there were times where I saw the doctor within 5 minutes of arrival. Sometimes, I would get rotated to the same gynae. 

There was a male gynae (Dr Ng Ying Woo, who has since left NUH) who was frank, humorous and not condescending. When I went for my first post-natal check-up, he swooned over Elise, carried her around and showed her off to his colleagues like a proud uncle "She's so beautiful! So cute! Look!". 

You can obviously tell if the staff are happy at their job or just going through the daily grind. The ward nurses were really friendly and welcomed Elise back when she went back for a checkup at 4 months, taking turns to carry and play with her. 

The fees were extremely affordable as they were subsidised, so I paid about $17 per consultation and $80 whenever I needed a scan. NUH offers a maternity package which I didn't choose as they offer only 4 major ultrasound scans regardless of whether you're a private or subsidised patient. I was rather envious of other moms who got to see their baby almost every visit but it wasn't worth the extra money. 

As a first timer, I had my fair share of concerns which I would clarify with the doctor each visit - 

Should I have a water birth? 
Answer: NUH provides water birth services but you'll have to be a private patient and there is a chance that you will end up delivering on a bed. If so, you'll have to pay twice. You'll also need to hire a doula and get a gynae who is able to do water birth. 

Can I do delayed cord clamping?

Answer: This depends on the gynae's beliefs. Most gynaes do not clamp the cord immediately, nor do they clamp only after the cord stops beating. There is no major difference for full term babies but it may have a benefit for premature babies

Can I squat/stand during delivery?
Answer: When you are still in labour, yes. You can even dance before you are made to lie down on the bed. The midwives have been through so many deliveries, they know what to do. 

What about a birth plan?

Answer: There is no plan if you're intending to go the subsidised route. Sure, you can mention it to your gynae during your visits, but it depends on the MO or gynae who will be the one delivering your baby. 

For my case, I wanted to avoid an episiotomy as much as possible, so I just said "don't cut" when he was already holding up the scissors. Luckily, he listened and I wasn't cut. I had a first degree tear which was very minor. The stitches took about 2 weeks to heal. 

Maternity Ward
The Class C ward was listed as an 8 bedder, non-air conditioned ward, but the ward turned out to be fully air conditioned. 

Nurses came by very regularly to check on me and baby. They helped baby to latch and the lactation consultants came by each morning. The consultants were patient in addressing my concerns and helped me to express 3ml of colostrum. She also showed me the various ways of latching a newborn and how to check for correct latch. I would say they played a big part in helping me fully breastfeed Elise until now (12 months and counting).

I was pleased with the service overall as the nurses were professional and attentive. They are a pro-breastfeeding hospital (they called a few weeks before I delivered asking me to leave my bottles and pacifier at home) and they promote skin-to-skin contact and rooming-in. 

If you're extremely tired, you can get the nurses to wheel the babies back to the nursery. Otherwise, the baby is with its mother all day except for tests, injections and when they make poonamis which are impossible to clean with just wet wipes.

Overall, it was a positive experience and I would want to deliver my other babies there.
baby e's growth

Elise's Birth Story

3:21 PM
Moms usually write their birth experiences very shortly after giving birth, but because I'm unfashionably late, here's what I remember about that fateful day I first met my daughter a year ago.

19/10/2015, 10+pm 

I was 39 weeks, 3 days pregnant and rushing out a difficult Korean to English patent translation (Composition of Portulaca Extract and its Anti-Obesity Effect -_-). I knew I would surely miss the deadline if Elise came out before I finished translating the document, so I told her to "come out after I complete my work". 

Strangely or miraculously, she listened because my tummy started to hurt after I clicked "Send". My pregnancy was extremely smooth. I had no problems eating (except for the first trimester) and she never ever kept me awake at night so it was my first disrupted sleep. 

20/10/2015, 5.30 pm

I continued to hurt throughout the night and throughout the morning so I called the nurses at the delivery suite who told me to come down for a checkup. When I reached the waiting room at NUH, they checked and said I was only 3cm and I could choose to go home or be warded to wait it out. It felt like the worst menstrual cramps ever, like an invisible hand was wringing my uterus and it lasted for about a minute, fading away before the next wave. 

The next time they checked, I was 5cm and the staff whooshed me to the delivery suite. Along the way, I heard chilling screams from other women in labour and got a bit frightened. 

I was first given laughing gas to take my mind off the pain. Laughing gas makes you feel floaty and high like your soul is floating, but the effect is short so it's not a painless option because you feel the full pain in between. It's actually a legal high. 

20/10/2015, 8pm

After an hour or so, the nurses checked again and this time, I was 9cm and the nurses went into alert mode. One of them reached in, broke the water bag and exclaimed "IT'S GREEN! THAT MEANS THE BABY POOPED INSIDE! PUSH NOW!" Apparently, it is dangerous if fetuses pass meconium in utero during delivery because there's a chance of them ingesting it. If so, they'll have to do an emergency C-section to get the baby out ASAP. They noticed that Elise's vitals were constant (meaning she didn't swallow her poop) so they allowed me to continue pushing. 

Other than breathing in the laughing gas like crazy, I kept rubbing my feet against the sheets to take my mind off the pain. 

I huffed and I puffed and I squeezed. Pushing the baby out actually feels like doing a big poop. My husband who let me squeeze his hand was SO worried I would die because I was tired and couldn't reply to all his questions so he kept talking to me non-stop - "Can you hear me?! Please reply! Talk to me! I can't live without you!". Korean men are so dramatic. 

The medical officer (subsidised patients can't choose their gynaecologists) was preparing for an episiotomy when I shouted out "No no no noooo don't cut!". It's common practice to cut the vagina to allow for a bigger opening. So he listened and at one point, they could see her head and asked if I wanted to touch it. I don't remember if I felt grossed out or too tired but I didn't. 

After a few more pushes, I heard a cry and did a few more pushes to deliver the placenta, which the nurse asked if I wanted to dabao (take away). Err, no thank you. Luckily, I didn't tear much and only needed a few stitches.

The First Meeting

When the nurse carried her to me, the first thing I said was "Hey! She has a dimple!". I didn't cry or particularly feel overwhelmed by emotions though. I also noticed she came out really clean! I guess drinking coconut water really helped in "cleansing" the baby. 

So clean! The coconut water must have helped.

We were left on our own for about an hour for skin-to-skin where she wriggled around and did a breast crawl. It's where the newborn sniffs around and latches by herself. Afterwards, we were pushed into the ward for a rest. 

The stitches didn't hurt much so I didn't even need painkillers. I've always liked babies so I was fascinated about her every movement. Newborn movements are jerky and sudden. They don't so much other than eating, sleeping and pooping. They also can't see very well so they tend to stare at you quizzically with furrowed eyebrows like "But.. who ARE you?" and that's when you tell them....
"I am your mother". 

baby photoshoot

Review: BabyU International Photo Studio (+ Reader Discount!)

4:13 PM
I've never taken professional studio shots before. Being generally budget conscious, my maternity photo shoot was done at a self-photography studio where we had to take our own photos. It was done entirely indoors - there were props to use and it cost less than $50. We had another family photo shoot (also self shot) with Elise when she was 3 months old which we used to make our calendar. To celebrate her first birthday, we decided to opt for a professional shoot.

I first noticed Korean concept photography a few years back. During our most recent trip to Korea, we flipped through 1st year baby photo albums of our friends and relatives and were determined to do it. As luck would have it, Elise fell ill and missed her appointment. By the time she recovered, it was Chuseok and the studios were closed.

Since I wanted to capture her at one year old, I did a bit of research on Korean photography studios in Singapore. There are two studios offering Korean style photography, BabyU and Baobab Tree Studio. I decided to go with BabyU as their head photographer had over 20 years' experience and I liked what I saw on their Facebook page. 


Located in a residential bungalow, the studio was bright with large, full length doors to allow lots of natural sunlight. There was a spacious garden outside, presumably for outdoor shoots. The studio was wide and clean with lots of props and furniture. They have backdrops with professional lighting equipment but they prefer to use natural lighting for their shots. 


The team is made up of about 10-15 staff with a mix of locals and Koreans. Response was swift and calls were always answered. I initially wanted an earlier slot but they were full, so I was put on the waiting list for drop-outs. They took note of it and called on two separate occasions to bump up my appointment. 

Before we started the shoot, my husband fed Elise her lunch so she wouldn't be cranky. The head photographer Brad took the chance to snap a few shots of her. Throughout the shoot, two assistants were on hand to prepare the concept, change Elise's outfits and play with her to make her laugh. Our shoot took about an hour and we topped up money to receive all 250 soft copies.

We also added a family concept. I wish I trimmed my brows. Both my husband and I got our hair trimmed the night before. We were asked to smile while taking photos - I would have liked a natural smile to be captured but the reason was that while adults could smile on demand, babies couldn't and he wanted to capture all 3 of us smiling at the same time.


As we conversed in Korean, Brad was able to share more about the business. An experienced photographer of more than 20 years, he wanted to bring in Korean concept photography to Singapore. 

When he first opened the studio, things were especially difficult as he could not converse in English well. To improve his business, he first improved on his English by attending courses. He told us that he did not spend on advertising so he mostly gained new customers by word-of-mouth marketing where satisfied parents introduced his service to their friends.

He showed us his bruised knees and told us that because there is a very limited window of time when babies are in a good mood, he had to capture as many shots as possible. According to him, about 7 of 10 children require a lot of coaxing and cheering up. If he is unable to do a nice shoot, he allows customers to return on another day.

Brad also gave us pointers on how to spot baby photography flukes - 
"If a photographer tells you that they need at least 2 to 3 hours per shoot, then they are not working effectively. Even babies who are naturally good spirited can only last for about an hour before they start fussing. 
The key is to capture the baby's high spirits instead of constantly having to coax the child."
Apart from baby photography, they also provide family photography, maternity shoots and event photography. 

We brought along a hanbok for the shoot
Hard copies and other Products

As we needed the album to be ready before Elise's party, the design and artwork was rushed and sent to Korea the very same evening. It takes about 2 to 3 weeks to receive the hard copy albums and prints as they are done in Korea.


A S$50 deposit is required to confirm the appointment. Packages start from S$180 (+ $200 for all soft copies). Personally, return of all soft copies is not an option but a must for me. My package included 3 baby concepts, 1 family concept, all soft copies and an album with two frames. It cost me S$850 in total (It was more than what I initially expected so I'm going to be eating grass for the next few months) but you can always find a suitable package. 

For comparison, another Korean concept photography studio has similar packages but charges a mind boggling $548 purely for the return of all soft copies. 

Is it worth it?

The photos turned out better than expected and it was a perfect way to capture her at 1 year old. Brad was extremely experienced and professional; he knew what to do and took control of the whole shoot. He gave firm instructions on how we should sit or where we should face in order to not to block the camera. He managed to capture Elise's many expressions, including her pout and goofy grin. Maybe I should have made her cry too?

It would be even better if they came up with new concepts as I noticed that the concepts were more or less the same across customers throughout the years. This is why I recommend bringing your own outfits. 

If you have not been there, it is worth the experience for praiseworthy photographs. 

Preparing for a Baby Photo Shoot

1. Ensure that the appointment does not clash with baby's nap time. Book a time slot where your baby is most likely to be full of energy and wide awake. Feed your baby before the shoot. 

2. Newborn shoots are best scheduled within the first 14 days of their life when they still have that squishy newborn look. They have a 1 year package for you to capture your baby from infancy to toddler hood.

3. Some studios provide a full wardrobe with accessories, but it's more meaningful to prepare outfits for your child. Also bring along memorable items like your baby's chou chou (favourite snuggly), name banner or theme items. For older children, you can even bring along their ballet or taekwondo outfits.  
4. Relax and leave it to the professionals - they will play with your child behind the camera to make your child smile for pretty shots. It's okay even if your baby doesn't smile throughout the session as it makes for more varied expressions.

BabyU International Photo Studio
6 Harvey Avenue, Singapore 489474
+65 6405 5093


BabyU has kindly offered a 10% discount to all readers. It would be nice if you could:

1. Like BabyU International Photo Studio's Facebook Page
2. Like Days with Baby E's Facebook Page
3. Fill in the following form for the discount! 

* I paid full price for the photo shoot. No monetary compensation was received for writing this review. The discount was specially secured for readers of this blog ^^ I will not be receiving commission from referrals and the form is purely for my tracking purposes; 

Review: Josh & Cherie - Children Book Subscription (+ Giveaway & Discount Code!)

9:47 AM
In today's increasingly digital world, it's a common sight to see people glued onto their smartphones. I don't want to go down the slippery slope of introducing gadgets to Elise too early, so I've stocked up on a decent number of books, mostly pre-loved. I believe that children should enjoy reading from a young age as it helps with their comprehension and language ability. 

However, the problem with buying preloved is that it's a hit-or-miss. I've bought bundles where some books came with missing flaps, creased pages and yellowed edges.

Also, there is something magical about brand new books. The crispness, the knowledge that you're the first one to read it and there won't be weird stains of unknown origin on the next page (coffee? drool?!). 

Today, Elise received a pizza box.  
Pizza for you?

It opened up to reveal a handwritten message and 3 presents tied up with string.

Hello mama, what's inside?

Let me open it up for you~

What was in the box (0 to 2 years old):

3 brand new, beautiful board books! 
This book has LARGE printed sentences so it's easy for parents to read (YES!) and for children to understand.  
There are various illustrated scenarios (one question per scenario) which you can flip up to see the appropriate response e.g.
Mommy says "Do you want peas for breakfast?" 
What do you say? *flip* "No, thank you!"

It's never too early to instill good manners in children!

This book teaches children that friends come in all shapes and sizes and they all get along. Idealistic in the adult world, but it is a children's book after all! It reminds me of a Dr Seuss book with colourful illustrations, rhymes and contrasting font sizes for emphasis.
It's an enjoyable book to dramatise and act out for toddlers. 
Elise chose to dance along to the Wheels on the Bus while exploring her book
Saving the best for the last, this book was definitely Elise's favourite. I have a few sound books which read stories out loud, but this one plays the tune of the Wheels on the Bus! Each page shows a different verse for you to sing along to. 

Elise could NOT STOP pressing the big red button! She clapped and bobbed along to the tune while flipping the pages. She was so thrilled. 
Press press press
Pretending to read...
Let's just dance!

Josh & Cherie Books:

Started by a pair of local newlyweds Cheryl and Julius (Josh and Cherie are actually names for their future children!)Josh & Cherie Books is a premium children book subscription for children from 0 to 7 years of age. Every month, depending on the child's age, 2 to 3 books are carefully hand picked, gift wrapped and couriered.

Josh and Cherie Books
The idea came to life during a trip to a bookstore on a search for a child's gift, where they noticed that there were more assessment books than picture books! As the both of them were exposed to good books since young and grew up with the habit of reading, they wanted children to experience the magic that books provide. 

They hope to make reading exciting for children, convenient for parents and affordable for everyone with this service.

What I find unique:

1) The books are gift wrapped so children will be excited about their "presents" and want to read them. When I was a child, I received a present of a huge carton containing pre-loved Enid Blyton books from my cousin which sparked my childhood reading habit. Books are an investment. 

2) The subscription price is cheaper than buying from the bookstores. The titles are also not readily found in local bookstores so it is unlikely that there will be duplicates. However, if you happen to already own the same book, take a photo of you giving it to a friend for a $7 deduction off your next renewal! 

I find the pricing is reasonable for the effort it takes to search for interactive, age-appropriate books and its packaging. 

4) Suitable as a birthday gift because it's prettily packaged and educational.

5) Mandarin books are available for subscription, which is great for parents who want to introduce Mandarin to their little ones early. 

If you would like to try it out for yourself, take part in our giveaway or use the discount codes for a discounted pricing on your subscription. The book titles will be different from that which I've received as you will be receiving next month's box. 

Special Discount Codes (Valid till 31 Oct 2016):  
$12 off a 6-months subscription with JAMIE12OFF
$30 off a 12-months subscription with JAMIE30OFF 

This code is also valid for existing subscribers! Just drop them an email beforehand as they need to confirm your subscription. 


Josh & Cherie have very kindly sponsored a box of books to one lucky reader!
To enter the giveaway, simply follow the steps:

1. Like Josh & Cherie's FB page
2. Like Days with Baby E's FB page
3. Share this blog entry on your wall (set to public)

For bonus chances, tag 5 friends after sharing the post (set to public). Leaving a comment on this post also gives you an additional chance! :) Good luck!

** I received a box of books for review purposes. No monetary compensation was received.