
Interview: Keepsake with Ryo

5:47 PM
As newborns grow up so quickly, it is natural to want a souvenir to preserve a memory of our baby's infancy. There are quite a number of items in the market targeted at new parents for this purpose such as umbilical cord stamps (eew...), calligraphy brushes made with hair, 3D hand and feet casts or laser plaques. 
I'm not enthralled by the idea of having a 3D cast of Elise's hands and feet or a calligraphy brush made with hair from her first haircut as they take up space and will pretty much sit in a box away from daylight, unless I suddenly happen to develop an interest in Chinese Calligraphy. 
These jewellery, on the other hand, capture a memory and can be worn daily. I really like practical and simple items. More importantly, it'll serve as a precious memento of my breastfeeding journey with Elise.

Even before Elise was born, I was convinced of the benefits of breastfeeding and aimed for her to be exclusively breastfed for at least six months. Now that she's here, I'm proud to say that she hasn't yet had a bottle of infant formula. I certainly do not think formula is poison, but breastfed babies have higher levels of immunity, which she will need when she attends infant care. Also because infant formula is expensive and mommy is a cheapo. Besides, it's better quality of milk for zero cost!
I especially love night feeds (12mn, 3+am) where I feed her in a side-lying position. Though it disrupts my sleep, I love it when she suckles and falls into a milk coma. Not so much when she spits up milk on the bed. Occasionally, she flashes a huge, satisfied smile. 

Which is why I would actually like having a pendant or bead made up of breast milk to wear. I prefer minimalist designs, so when I discovered Ryo's page - Keepsake with Ryo, I knew I wanted her to create my jewellery.

Her jewellery is definitely something I'd wear. I came across other breast milk jewellery makers, but some of their designs were too garish for my liking. After chatting with her, I found out that she is so talented, she even made the news. 

Interview: Ryo of Keepsake with Ryo

1) Hi! Please tell us more about yourself. 
Hello, my name is Ryo and creating has always been a big part of my life. 
In my childhood, my dolls only wore clothes I made, I only used pencil cases I had sewn myself and my friends only received handmade gifts. I then figured out how to sew my own cheongsams, made prom dresses for all my best friends, got featured in a special segment of The Straits Times, and won the Best Float Design as Creative Director in NUS. I always believe in action more than words, and now that I have a baby boy, I hope to be able to impart the same values of perseverance, curiosity and respect that I uphold.

2) What inspired you to create Keepsake by Ryo?

I initially wanted to have a keepsake made by someone else, but after scouring the net, I couldn't find anyone making something that I liked. So there and then, I strapped my baby to my chest and made a trip down to the craft store. After one hour, I more or less figured the stuff I need to make my own breast milk jewellery. I then offered to make jewellery for free for some mummy friends, since I was still in the experimenting stage, and the response was so phenomenal I decided to make it a business!

3) What is the most challenging part of creating keepsake jewelry?
Nothing is too difficult. I pursued Art as a subject in my JC days, so I have a rather good idea of what works and what doesn't. I just design a collection in my head and get my hands dirty immediately. If it works, it goes up on the web. If it doesn't, at least I learnt something!
Oh for number 1 I forgot to mention that I actually teach JC Economics as my full time job hahaha.
4) Any advice for aspiring moms who intend to start a small business?
My mantra is "Start small and start now". Did you feel ready to be a mum when you had your first child? Starting your own business is like raising a child. Just do it! We spend too much time waiting to be ready, thinking about what we should do with our time and our lives. 
If you really think about it, starting a business today is easy. Wordpress is free, and all of us have a bank account. That's all you need. If your product and/or service is good, you don't have to worry. Over time, your products and your customers will do the job and your business will grow. Most importantly, do what you love - you don't want to suffer everyday doing something you don't like!

Each piece of breast milk jewellery takes between 1 to 3 weeks to process and requires about 20ml of breast milk which can be sent to her via courier service.


Review: Melody Bakes Lactation Cookies

8:10 AM
I received this lovely box of lactation cookies from Melody Bakes a few days ago. Lactation cookies are cookies with galactagogues baked into them to increase breast milk supply in a tasty way. The three main ingredients of lactation cookies are oats, flax seed and brewers yeast. 

Honestly speaking, I am able to produce enough breast milk for Elise with a surplus for use as bottle feeds. However, I'm not sure when this will last because my confinement food delivery has ended and nobody knows when this oversupply will last. It's good to have another (yummy) option to explore in case my supply dips. 

This is the sampler box which costs $36 inclusive of delivery. It's good if you are tempted by all the flavours and can't decide which one to have. 

(L-R) Cranberry White Chocolate, Lactation Butter Cookie, Longan Red Date, Caramel Red Date, Gluten Dairy Free

Melody has interesting flavours like Longan Red Date and Caramel Red Date. The ingredients are finely blended and the cookie isn't too sweet and overpowering like a certain famous brand of cookies. The chia seeds and red date creates some texture and makes it fun to chew.

Longan Red Date

Gluten Dairy Free doesn't contain any butter, eggs or flour. It resembles an oat ball with chocolate which isn't unpalatable, but as I don't have a gluten allergy, it's not really a flavour that I'd go for.
Caramel Chocolate
My favourite cookie is the Caramel Chocolate. It holds up well and doesn't crumble into a big mess when I bite into it. It's not too sweet and I like the bits of sweet caramel.
Bite Sized Lactation butter cookies
Since they are lactation cookies after all, let's talk about how effective these cookies have been. This is my average yield when Elise drinks expressed milk from a bottle and I pump out my milk.

125ml + 80ml = 205ml

This is what I expressed out this morning after having 2 (or more?) longan red date cookies for breakfast.
65ml + 160ml = 225ml
Results may vary from person to person. 


It's really easy to mistake them for regular cookies because of the pleasant taste and end up overeating. At least the butter cookies come in tiny bite size pieces so you can do some portion control. 

According to Melody, the cookies can be kept for up to 3 weeks in an airtight container. There's no standard amount to eat for maximum effect, but she recommends about 5 pieces. I finished the entire tin in 4 days. :D

Note: These cookies do increase milk supply, ceteris paribus, but do try to find out the main reason for your supply. Is it stress? Low fluid intake? Lack of protein? I try to keep myself as stress-free as possible and do not follow any pumping schedule or keep a detailed record of my supply. 

That said, these cookies are really tasty and anyone can eat them without side effects. It makes for a good homemade treat with benefits for mummy! 

The cookies were sent free of charge by Melody Bakes for the purpose of this review. All opinions are of my own. No monetary compensation was received.

Baby Bed

10:55 AM
When I was preparing for Elise's arrival, I was contemplating whether to get a cot or a playpen. I settled on a cot and set it up in her room where she slept for a few nights when my father helped me with night duty.

It's so much easier to co-sleep and have baby nearby. I side latch her for her night feeds. /lazymom

Once she settled into a routine, we moved her into a Moses Basket which we placed on our bed in between us. She wet the bedding, not with her pee but with her perspiration. Yes, that thing was like an oven because we don't use an air-con.
Attack of the Pirate Octopus

The CocoonaBaby was good for a few nights but I always felt unsure and paranoid because babies should only sleep on flat surfaces.

CocoonaBaby? Good for baby but freaks mommy out. /worried about SIDS

In the end, guess what Elise slept on last night?

Yeap, the IKEA Baby Care mat that we use as her changing mat.
$10 bed /gooddeal
Proves that babies can sleep anywhere.
baby e's growth

Elise is 1 month old!

9:50 PM

It's been one month since Elise was born. She is 8cm taller and 1kg heavier than her birth weight. She feels so huge already. One month ago, I was cradling her in the delivery suite and noticing how she had a very prominent dimple. She was placed on my chest and did the breast crawl. I'd read about it before, and was amazed to see her do it. 

 It has been quite a month. She is very vocal and lets us know when she dislikes something with a loud growl. When she dislikes something, she'll push away with her little (but very strong) arms and go "ERUGHH!" angrily. Other times, she squeaks, mews and does other cute sounds.
We have 3 adults tending to one little infant, and all of us have disrupted sleep. In the first two weeks, I felt like I was running on adrenaline. It's a lot better now that we've figured out her schedule, but now it still feels like there are so many things to do with so little time.
She likes looking at scenery and being carried by her grandfather. She likes bathing but hates changing in and out of clothes. 

 I love my little human. Pregnancy kind of ruined my body but it gave me this girl. 

Baby Essentials

1:02 PM
When I was pregnant, I did a lot of research and scoured through lots of lists. Now that my baby is born, I have a better idea of the items which are absolutely necessary, nice-to-have, and those which are more like a want than a need. 

Baby Checklist
*Nice to Have:

  • CocoonaBaby
    I bought a pre-loved one and was skeptical about using it because guidelines recommend that babies sleep on a flat surface but Elise slept SO WELL in the CocoonaBaby. It can only be used for a few months though.

Preparing for Baby’s Room

  • Baby co-sleeper
    For the first few months, it is more convenient to have a co-sleeper like the Arm's Reach for easy access to the baby. We use a Moses basket.
    Anything is fine as long as it is a flat enclosed cushioned space. Babies in Finland sleep in cardboard boxes.
  • Playpen
    Not needed until baby is older. Haenim is a popular brand. 
  • Play mat/Baby gym
  • Wind-up mobiles/ Merry-go-round
    Not very necessary. Babies are easily soothed by cuddling if they aren't hungry or uncomfortable.
  • Bumper
    I have a Breathable Baby mesh bumper for her cot.
  • Cot sheets
  • Mattress protector
  • Changing table
    Not needed. We have an IKEA inflatable babycare mat which has been extremely useful. We have two, one near our bed for easy changing and another one near her cot.
  • Chest of Drawers
    or storage chests from Muji or Toyogo, whichever works. Mine's a chest of 4 drawers from IKEA
  • Swaddles
    We have a few muslin cloths, but the SwaddleMe is a godsend. Not even the best escape artist can escape a SwaddleMe. Swaddling helps curb the startle reflex in newborns and lets them sleep more soundly.
  • PacifiersThere are positive and negative effects of pacifiers, but I prefer not to introduce pacifiers to her. 
  • Mittens
    Necessary until baby is 6 weeks old
  • Bootees
    Necessary until baby is 6 weeks old
  • Diapers
    Disposable diapers or cloth diapers, if you don't mind the extra laundry.
    For disposables, Merries and Huggies are more absorbent compared to the rest. 
  • Nasal cleaner
    I use the bulb type from Pigeon. Some mothers prefer the tube cleaner.
  • Clothes
    If you're on a budget, pre-loved is the way to go. 90% of Elise's clothes are pre-loved.
  • Long and short sleeves
  • Rompers
    Bodysuits are pretty but a huge pain to put on and take off. I recommend the front button baby bodysuits from Uniqlo or zippered types. 
  • Handkerchief
  • Safety pins
  • Face towels
  • Cotton balls etc.
  • Nail clippers
    Babies come with sharp nails but it's recommended to cut them only after 1 month. I have the Pigeon baby nail scissors and little 
  • Cream to prevent nappy rash
    I use Bepanthen, but Desitin Blue is highly raved among mummies.
  • Ruyi oil/Minyak Telon
    For relieving wind in the tummy which causes discomfort.
  • Thermometer

    Easy to put on and take off. I have no idea why she hates changing clothes.

    SwaddleMe helps to stop her from attacking my boob. 

Preparing for Baby Bathing

  • Wipes
    Jeju wet wipes for the budget conscious, or Pigeon. 
  • Baby bath tub
    Use one with a bath sling such as the Fisher Price Sling 'n' Seat or Summer Infant Baby Bather so you don't have to handle a wriggly baby with one arm.
  • Bath towel
    Mothercare hooded bath towels have been very useful in drying her up after her bath. 
  • Baby soap/shampoo/lotion
    Mustela, Baby Gaia, California baby and Cetaphil Baby are widely used brands that are gentle on baby's skin. 
  • Cotton buds
  • Baby oil

Preparing for Feeding Baby

  • Milk bottles
    She is 1 month old but drinks expressed breast milk from Tommee Tippee, Medela Calma, Avent and Pigeon when she is not latched on. Pigeon has the softest teat but Calma doesn't seem to produce as many air bubbles. It's not the easiest teat to suck from, though. 
  • Bottle scrub brush
  • Warmer Hot water in a bowl does the same in a shorter time.  
  • Steriliser
    I'm using a UV steriliser which also dries and stores my equipment.
  • Highchair
    I have a Fisher Price one with adjustable recline, but a basic one from IKEA does the job. 

Bringing Baby Out

  • Play gyms/Play matsGood for tummy time. 
  • Bouncer
  • Stroller
    Mine's an Aprica Karoon which I have yet to use as I'm always babywearing.
  • Baby carrier
    I use ring slings from Moms in Mind. I also have a Pognae baby carrier. 
  • Toys
    Lamaze infant toys are popular for infant stimulation.
  • Diaper bag
    Any large, study and roomy bag will do. 
  • Changing mat 
  • Nursing cover

Mummy Care

  • Breast Pump
    I'm using Spectra 9+ and it's light and portable with good suction. Both Spectra and Medela produce quality pumps. 
  • Breast milk bags / bottles
    Jaco Perfection/Boots for mummies on a budget.
  • Hands-free Bra
    To hold your pump so you have both hands free to do something other than stare at your pump. I use one from Simple Wishes, but some women just cut two holes in their sports bra. 
  • Maternity Dress/ Pyjamas with front opening for breast feeding
  • Nipple Cream
    Lansinoh or Medela Purelan contains lanolin which soothes sore nipples. I have emu oil which is very moisturising.
  • Cotton balls
  • Breast pads
    Didn't use these. 
  • Disposable panties
  • Sanitary pads
    I used Kotex 42cm night pads

Hungry Hippo / Lactation cookies

6:54 AM

She has the strength of a hippo and makes all sorts of funny noises. Sometimes she sounds like a mouse or a kitten but when she's angry or annoyed, she sounds like a dog. She actually goes "GRR!" while flailing her arms around. 

Hungry hippo over here loves bath time and will quietly sit in the tub the entire time but it's a miracle if she doesn't cry when we change her clothes. She pushes us away with her two tiny arms and sometimes two people are needed to control her. A tiny baby who hasn't even turned a month old. Someone at the focus group thought she was 6 or 7 weeks old. I don't think she's that huge for a girl...

I've either created a hulk, or my body must be making some really potent breast milk.

So far, I've not yet needed to supplement her with infant formula. I do have a tiny 400g can of Friso just in case of emergency. It was the most affordable brand around. 

Direct breastfeeding is convenient (saves time on bottles and temperature checking). I love shortcuts and time savers but I read an article yesterday which was very interesting.

Like over here, it says that breast milk is more than food. Breast milk is individually formulated by the body for each infant and signals are sent to the mother's body via the baby's saliva so it also works as medicine. I wonder how it works for twins or multiples...
It's also the reason I frown upon donated breast milk. It's dangerous because the donor might have some disease that even she may be unaware of. I'd rather feed infant formula than someone else's breast milk.

Speaking of breast milk, I went to a focus group last Saturday and received some lactation cookies in the door gift. I've always felt that these cookies were a waste of money, so I was rather excited to try it and see if there were any effects. 

The packaging is really cute with rabbit ears! It's from Singapore Lactation Bakes and the pricing looks affordable. 
This is how the cookies look like:
It's more on the crumbly side and reminds me of a Chinese New Year tapioca cookie, but there are raisins and hints of chocolate inside which makes it so palatable, I finished the entire bag. 
The next morning, I broke my personal record. She had more than enough to drink, so I froze some and poured the rest into her daily milk bath. Actually, I'm pretty relaxed when it comes to supply and don't compare with other moms. I'm happy as long as my baby has enough to drink plus a bit more as backup milk in case I'm not around in the house or need to rest. That's all I need. 
The hungry hippo with her daddy. 
cloth diapering

Cloth diapering

8:00 PM
Baby E is mostly cloth diapered on Moo Moo Kow at home. Initially, we used disposable diapers and wet wipes for the first week after being told that newborns make too much poop and cloth diapering alone would kill us. 

Disposables were indeed more convenient but we noticed that her bottom started becoming very red and it was then that my husband decided to switch to cloth diapering, at least when we're at home. I'm not the one doing laundry and he insisted.

This is how our laundry line looks like on any given day - 

  • More cost effective in the long run

    The brand that I'm using is adjustable and can be used until she is toilet trained. A brand new piece costs about S$ 30, cheaper in a bundle set and even cheaper online.

    At least 12 diapers are needed to fully cloth diaper a newborn, but 16 is a safe number. This number decreases as the baby grows older.

    In comparison, a pack of disposable diapers costs $ 25 on average and can be used for about a week or two.
  • Gentle on baby's skin

    We noticed a marked improvement after we switched from disposables and wet wipes to cloth diapers and water. She no longer suffers from diaper rash. 
  • Slightly more time consuming

    Each dirty diaper has to be hosed down before washing. The inserts have to be washed with each use as it gets heavy with pee.

    Diapers also need to be set before each use.
  • Impractical for outside use
    We cloth diaper her at home most of the time, but when we're out, it's disposables only. As each diaper has to be changed with each pee or poop, it's not practical to bring out 4 or 5 cloth diapers which will only add on to the weight of the diaper bag at the end of the day.

There are a few types of cloth diapers. Mine's a pocket diaper which comes in two forms - a snap button closure and a velcro (aplix) closure. For newborns, the aplix one is recommended because it's easy to put on. I've read that once they get older, it's better to use the snap button closures as it's harder to take off.

It's already hard enough getting up to change a dirty diaper. Cleaning up a poop filled cot would just suck my soul.

Don't even talk about prefolds. Stuffing the insert in and placing a disposable nappy liner on top is already enough work. /lazy

StorageWe store our baby's clothes in a chest of drawers and half of the second drawer is reserved for her cloth diapers and inserts. It only takes us one day to use all these diapers.

Let's see how long this will last. My husband is helping me with the laundry for now, but once he gets a job, I'll have to do all the laundry myself...

A queen for 9 months and a servant for a lifetime. How true. 

 At least I have my husband to help me with diaper duty! :)


Goofy faces / Nursing in public

9:37 PM
Babies make all sorts of faces. I could stare at her face forever. 


And a cute photo to compensate for the goofiness! 

In other news, I latched her in the train today under a nursing cape! We were on the way home after attending a focus group on breastfeeding in public. The focus group was about increasing the acceptance of breastfeeding in public. 

In these 3 weeks, I've nursed at the polyclinic twice, once in a moving taxi and today in the train, all under a nursing cape. Luckily, I haven't had a negative experience yet. People generally don't bat an eye if the mother is sufficiently covered up. I am all for breastfeeding in public, but I don't want to see any other nipple when I'm outside.

I feel that breastfeeding is so natural, there isn't a need to specifically campaign for women to nurse in public. That's why I am quite turned off by events such as the Mass Latch On, where women specially gather to breastfeed together. It should be as natural as eating. It IS mealtime for babies. If the mother and baby don't make a huge fuss about it, then other people shouldn't either. 


Mothers should definitely not have to latch or pump in the TOILET. I can foresee myself getting into a huge argument if someone ever asks me to go to the toilet to feed my child.

In other (other) news, I'm impressed by the nursing rooms at Causeway Point! The doors are locked and can only be opened by magic - you press the intercom button and security lets you in. It prevents the room from being abused by frisky couples as well as random people who use the water dispensers to fill up their bottles. 

Handling a newborn

8:00 PM
My friends came over today and they commented that I didn't seem like a first time mother because I was calm, compared to some others who got flustered whenever their babies cried and had a hard time soothing them.

I've always loved newborns and little children because they are like a blank canvas, full of innocence and curiosity. Sometimes, it makes me feel sad that they will eventually get exposed to the evils of the world, but such is life. I teared a few days ago after staring at my newborn's face and feeling so upset because there is only so much I can do to protect her from evil and sadness. It hurts me to know that she might get bullied or her heart broken someday. 

Which is why I'm going to register her for self-defence classes as soon as she is ready. She doesn't need to attack anybody, but having the ability to deflect blows and the sense to defend herself against attacks should be considered as a basic skill. 

Babies are pretty simple creatures. Once you get the basics down, sometimes you can preempt their cries and soothe them before they wail the house down. Babies have a few basic needs:

1) Sustenance

AKA food. The ideal standard is to exclusively breastfeed on demand for at least 6 months, but in reality, many mothers prefer using formula in exchange for more sleep.

Anyway, when my baby cries, my first reaction is to offer her my boob. If she doesn't suckle, then it's most likely because of a wet diaper.

2) Comfort

My baby can sleep with a soiled diaper, but cries as soon as she has a wet diaper. 

3) Bonding 

Sometimes, all your baby needs is some good ol' cuddling. :)

Sleep routine

9:27 PM

My baby has been sleeping through the night since a few days ago. She only wakes up when her diaper is wet and that is when we would change and feed her. She absolutely hates being wet and dirty. When she gets hungry with a wet diaper, she can't decide whether she wants to suckle or if she wants to get changed first.

We change her dirty diaper and continue feeding her, but then we'd have to change her diaper again because she always does a poo after feeding. It's quite hilarious but we already know her cues. Just yesterday, we changed three diapers in an hour. 

I'm not sure if it's because my baby is an "easy" baby, but this is how night-time is like for my baby. The timings are estimates which vary daily, but the routine is generally the same:

Baby E's Night time Routine
11pm: Feed her until she is full.

I do this by latching her until she totally stops sucking. Direct latching is hard work for babies and they do need a rest. When she has drank for about 15 minutes on each side and her lips purse up tightly even though my nipple is right at her mouth, that is when I know she is full. 

She also falls into a deep milk coma and has the floppy arm syndrome. That is when I'll try to burp her. If I can't burp her, I'll pass her to grandpa who has the patience to sit there and pat her back for 10 minutes.

11:05pm: Change diaper

As my baby usually does a wet fart during her feed, her diaper will more likely than not be poopy right after a feed. We change her and apply some virgin coconut oil to relieve her diaper rash.

We relied on Goo.N diapers until we realised she developed really bad diaper rash so we have since switched to Moo Moo Kow. Moo Moo Kow diapers are reusable cloth diapers and laundry is a bitch (we went through all 10 diapers yesterday and I had to buy more) but I believe cloth diapers are less likely to cause diaper rash. 

I've also stocked up on Merries and Huggies as I've heard these brands are more absorbent and don't cause diaper rash. Let's see how it goes.

11:10pm: Soothe her to sleep

She falls into a milk coma after her feed, but a diaper change and burping makes her somewhat alert so we soothe her back to sleep. This takes anywhere from less than 5 minutes to about 30 minutes.
To make her feel extra secure, I swaddle her as well. 

3:00am: Check diaper, latch or feed EBM

Sometimes she makes little dinosaur noises but most times, we wake her up to feed before she starts crying. We've managed to preempt quite a number of cries with this method.
Definitely do not want to be that neighbour with THAT noisy newborn which cries nonstop in the dead of the night.

5:45am: Check diaper, latch or feed EBM

Same as above.

She then sleeps till about 8am before we bathe and feed her. The feed-burp-diaper change routine then repeats itself till the night.

There are a few precious moments of time in a day where she is fully contented (fed, diapered, burped, cuddled) and she is just quiet and active, absorbing in her environment like this:

...and my world is perfect again.