grown up adult talk


11:31 PM
Late night musing:

I'm grateful for a baby who falls asleep on her own easily so I can have free time for myself at night to work. In this world where everything is uncertain, it is important to find enough sources of income so in the event that one source is cut, the alternative sources will ensure that your world doesn't crumble. The worst thing is having a job which you hate to the core and drains you but you have no choice but to continue dragging your soul-less body into a crowded train to slog the day out.

I've toyed with the idea of quitting my day job for a few months now, but have since put the plans on hold. Even though it pays me a pittance, it is ultimately still my main source of income.


  • Low workload
  • Understanding superiors
  • Flexi-hours (a typical work day ends at 4:30pm and I'm home by 5:30pm)
  • Option to work from home once a week
  • No OT or work on weekends
  • Flexibility to suggest and execute ideas
  • No micromanagement
  • Pay is below market rate 
  • Not being physically around Elise for 40 hours per week 
Combined with other sources of income, I can finally say that I'm earning just as much, or even more than my peers without having to do overtime. It's inexplicable how some opportunities just fall into my lap, just like that.

When I was first learning Korean, a relative once made a comment that I still remember very clearly to this day - "It's useless learning Korean". That could not be further from the truth. Learning Korean opened up a whole world for me. The two years I spent working in an all Korean environment helped immensely in picking up the spoken language and nuances of the culture, both good and bad. 

The question I get asked the most is whether my husband and in-laws are like that of the characters in drama serials. I really lucked out on this one - my husband messaged me on a language exchange site and we dated for months without me seeing his face. It's like a 복불복 (pure luck) game.

My in-laws like me a lot because whenever he makes me upset and I tell his mother or brother, he'll get an earful from them. They also told him that they don't want to see him if he's not returning with me or Elise. 

My husband is also the one doing the laundry, washing the dishes and doing the cleaning. Both of us are very temperamental though, so when we argue, it's like hell on earth. The good thing is that none of our fights have lasted beyond a day or two.

In this uncertain world, it is important that we find contentment and security from the ones we love. Tune out the negativity. It helps to keep a diary or space where you record down only the happy moments so it recharges you when you're feeling down.

The Unorthodox method of treating Fever in babies

4:07 PM
We have managed to reclaim our bed back from Elise and sleep quality has been so much better for all of us. She now has her own space to do her sleep Taekwondo. Sometimes, I feel sorry for not being there for her in the day and snuggle with her inside her play yard anyway.

It was last Monday, in the deep of the night, that I realised she was burning. Checked her temperature and it read 38.1 degrees. :O She has ever only fallen ill once before, so I was quite worried. I read from somewhere that lemon baths helped to bring down temperature, so I immediately woke my husband up and we went to get some lemons from the nearby supermarket.

We undressed her and put her in the bath but she hated every second of it, which was really unusual because she's a water baby. Then again, I wouldn't like it either if I was unceremoniously dunked into a pool at 5 am in the morning when I'm feeling feverish.

When the morning came, I was quite reluctant to send her to the PDs near my place because according to my mummy friends, both prescribe medicine freely (and probably unnecessarily) and another one charges first time consultation rates if the baby doesn't go back for consultation within 3 months. Way to go.

We continued sponging her with wet towels and did two more lemon baths. Her temperature maintained at 38 degrees but she was still active and thankfully, latching. I just clung on to the belief that my breast milk would create antibodies to cure her and gave her lots to drink.

She spent her day confined to the house and only went outside along the corridor instead of going downstairs around the neighbourhood in her stroller. Part of her typical daily routine involves going downstairs and mingling with the other babies in the neighbourhood. She has a little boy friend named Jayden and they both wave to each other excitedly when they spot each other in their prams Hehehehe.

When she became extremely whiny, I took out a special treat for her - a frozen breast milk popsicle. Look at that smile! The best thing is, her fever subsided by the evening and she was totally well by the next morning. We did feed her 5ml of liquid paracetamol given by the polyclinic, but I'm guessing she recovered quickly due to adequate hydration, antibodies from mommy's milk, sponging and most importantly, extra TLC.